Southwestern Indiana AA is served by S.W.I.C.O. (Southwestern Indiana Central Office)
Located at: 123 N.W. Court Building.
Rm. 12. Evansville, IN 47708
Area 23 I District 14
Striving to bring Unity, Service, and Recovery, it houses a book store and help line as described on the Home page.

Court Building – Evansville, IN
For information about area 23, please see area23aa.org
The AA General Service website is at aa.org There you will find contacts, forms, maps, speaker recordings, literature and more for Alcoholics Anonymous as a whole.
For District 14 History and Archives, please visit: indianadistrict14district14history.blogspot.com
To contact the archivist and share information, etc. Please email: indianadistrict14@gmail.com
The webmaster email is: southwesterninaa@gmail.com. Please send all event flyers in either .jpeg or .pdf format and we will get your event on our site. Any meeting changes, cancellations, or web-related correspondence can also be sent to this email to keep you updated on the website.